Research on Visual SLAM Algorithms for Mobile Robots in Complex Dynamic Environments

[Brief introduction] Mitigating the impact of various dynamic objects on SLAM system performance to achieve high-precision localization and static dense point cloud map construction.
March 18, 2024
Outcomes: Two papers; A complete novel RGB-D visual SLAM system

Design of a Navigation and Localization System for an Autonomous Harvesting Robot in a Simulated Farmland Environment

[Brief introduction] Designed a mobile robot with mapping and autonomous waypoint navigation capabilities.
October 01, 2023
Outcomes: A simulated unmanned agricultural robot

Research on Integrated Methods for Scene Understanding and Knowledge Acquisition and Reasoning in Earth-Moon Space Based on Generative Models

[Brief introduction] A National Natural Science Foundation project in application process, passed preliminary review, awaiting defense.
August 17, 2023
Outcomes: National Natural Science Foundation Project Proposal

Design of a Laser SLAM System Based on LeGO-LOAM.

[Brief introduction] Learned the principles of Lego-LOAM and replicated it, completing the related course report.
May 01, 2023
Outcomes: A course report that received a score of 98, ranking 1st out of 90 in the class.

Design of a Control System for a Wheeled-Legged Amphibious Robot Based on Super-Helical Sliding Mode Control.

[Brief introduction] Designed and developed a novel wheeled-legged amphibious robot, focusing on its balance control issues.
February 07, 2023
Outcomes: A patent.

Design of an Autonomous Vehicle System Based on ROS for Multi-Vehicle Interaction Scenarios

[Brief introduction] Simulate the process of an autonomous vehicle driving on the road.
September 28, 2022
Outcomes: A complete and versatile development platform for unmanned vehicles.

Research on visual SLAM system for quadruped bionic robot

[Brief introduction] Researched Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (VSLAM) techniques for undergraduate thesis project.
January 13, 2021
Outcomes: An undergraduate thesis that won the second prize for excellent graduation design in Jiangsu Province.

Design and Implementation of a Multi-AGV Warehouse Management System

[Brief introduction] Design of three optically guided model AGVs to simulate the warehouse management scheduling process.
October 21, 2019
Outcomes: Two software copyright; A complete multi-AGV system.

Design of a Vehicle-Type Exploration and Cruising Robot

[Brief introduction] This is the Robot Exploration and Navigation project of the 2019 SoftBank Cup China Robotics Skills Competition.
October 20, 2019
Outcomes: Second Prize in the Robot Exploration and Navigation Programme of the 2019 Softbank Cup China Robotics Skills Competition

Design of an Electromagnetic Railgun Based on Visual Guidance

[Brief introduction] This is the control category problem of the 2019 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition.
August 01, 2019
Outcomes: First Prize of National Student Electronic Design Competition (Jiangsu Division)

Design of an Intelligent Car Based on Visual Guidance

[Brief introduction] The 14th NXP Cup Intelligent Vehicle Competition for National University Students (Visual Four-wheel Racing)
March 08, 2019
Outcomes: Second Prize in the Four-wheel Vehicle Category of the 14th NXP Cup Intelligent Vehicle Competition for National Students (East China Region)


[Brief introduction] Solve the problem of static reliance, improve the performance of visual SLAM system
September 01, 2018

A story about me and robotics

[Brief introduction]
July 18, 2014