Research on Visual SLAM Algorithms for Mobile Robots in Complex Dynamic Environments


🌞 Aims:

  1. Addressing the impact of highly dynamic objects on SLAM system performance.
  2. Solving the problem of unknown dynamic object recognition when semantic segmentation network fails.
  3. Overcoming the limitation of SLAM systems in generating dense point cloud maps under dynamic scenes.

📝 Advisor: Prof. Yifei Wu

📅 Duration: Mar. 2024 - present


  1. Embedded the ANN semantic segmentation network into ORB-SLAM2 by leveraging ROS framework to identify common dynamic objects.
  2. Proposed an unknown dynamic object recognition algorithm combining depth map clustering and multi-view geometry, enabling accurate dynamic object recognition when the semantic segmentation network fails.
  3. Designed a strategy to remove dynamic features using semantic information and dynamic depth clusters, improving localization accuracy and map quality.
  4. Developed a static point cloud map creating thread to construct high-quality maps in dynamic environments.


  1. Localization: Experimental results on TUM and Bonn datasets show top or second accuracy compared to most mainstream dynamic SLAM algorithms. Over 90% improvement in localization accuracy on TUM dataset versus ORB-SLAM2, with minimum ATE of 0.0072m. Accuracy improved up to 70% compared to semantic-only methods.
  2. Map creation: The proposed system is capable of constructing high-quality static dense point cloud maps in dynamic environments.


  1. A complete novel RGB-D visual SLAM system with improved accuracy, robustness, and environmental awareness in highly dynamic scenarios.
  2. A journal-type paper. (IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, JCR-Q1, Under review)
  3. A conference-type paper. (Accepted at the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (IEEE-INDIN 2024))

Project Showcase

Robot used for experiments:



Experimental processing and results:

Since the relevant papers are still under review, some experimental results are present here:

Experimental results of TUM dataset:


ATE results of ORB SLAM2 and the proposed system running four sequences. (a) – (d) are trajectories generated by ORB_SLAM2 under four dynamic data sequences while (e) – (h) are results generated by the proposed system using the same corresponding data.

Experimental results of map creation in practice:


The comparison of the dense point cloud mapping results in practical environment. The map of whole scenario is marked with a green dashed box. Regions A and B are marked with red and blue dash boxes respectively. Excluded dynamic point clouds are marked with yellow circles.