Research on Integrated Methods for Scene Understanding and Knowledge Acquisition and Reasoning in Earth-Moon Space Based on Generative Models


🌞 Aims:

Research the related field’s current status, design a research content combining generative models with SLAM for spacecraft environment perception and scene understanding.

Drafted the project proposal based on the given title, including sections on research background and significance, research content, scientific questions, and technical approach.

📝 Advisor: Prof. Yifei Wu

📅 Duration: Aug. 2023 - present


  1. Investigated mainstream methods in the field of Generative Artificial Intelligence and scene understanding
  2. Produced the defence PowerPoint.


  1. A national natural science foundation project of China (NSFC) proposal.
  2. A defence PowerPoint.
  3. Significantly enhanced my academic skills, including literature review, academic writing, and scientific illustration.

Project Showcase

As the project is still in the application stage, I can’t give the details here, sorry!